The Western Circuit Bar Association serves Athens-Clarke and Oconee counties in the state of Georgia.
The Western Circuit Bar Association (WCBA) is a nonprofit organization consisting of over 100 attorneys who practice in the Athens-Clarke County and Oconee County areas.
While the WCBA cannot recommend individual attorneys to the public, this site contains information related to individual members of the WCBA, allowing you to search practicing member attorneys by practice area.
We are happy to provide this website as a service to our members and the community.
Western Circuit
Bar Association
PO Box 1702
Athens GA 30603-1702
Mission Statement
The Western Circuit Bar Association was formed to cultivate the science of jurisprudence, to assist the public in obtaining legal representation, to promote reform in the law, to facilitate the administration of justice, to maintain the standards of integrity, honor, and courtesy in the legal profession, and to promote and cherish a spirit of fellowship among its members.
Join the WCBA
If you would like to become a WCBA member, renew membership or participate in our referral database, please download and complete the application form below (click the blue button). The completed application form, along with a remittance of fees, may be returned by mail to the attention of the Treasurer at the following address:
PO Box 1702
Athens GA 30603-1702
Contact the WCBA
You can reach us via the button below, or email our WCBA Secretary at westerncircuitbarassociation@gmail.com.